Thanks for joining us on our two day High Country Cruise Tour, this page contains the tour Final Instructions. Please don't hesitate to call me on 0419 336 783 if you have any questions.
Tour Dates: February 18/19
Friday Meeting Place: Alpine Sports Lodge (also called Alpine Fitness Centre), 20 Hawthorn Lane, Bright VIC 3741. Mile Munchin’ Adventures will arrive at the Alpine Sports Lodge by Friday 5pm.
Saturday Ride Leaving Time: 8.30am
Arrival at Dargo River Inn: 4.30 – 6.00pm
Saturday Approx. Kms: 185 to 200kms.
Sunday Ride Leaving Time: 8.00am
Arrival at Bright: 3.00 – 4.00pm
Sunday Approx. Kms: 170 to 190kms.
Meals: Saturday and Sunday Breakfast and Lunch, Saturday night Dinner. Beverages supplied Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday after the ride.
Snacks: Muesli bars and snake lollies will be provided on the ride.
Rod’s Mobile: 0419 336 783
Friday Night
Location: Alpine Sports Lodge (also called Alpine Fitness Centre)
Date: Friday December 2
We can’t get access to the accommodation until after 2pm on Friday. Someone from the Mile Munchin team should be at the lodge by 5pm to welcome you.
Provided Friday night: Alcoholic beverages and snacks.
BYO Dinner
Friday night will be a good opportunity to meet and get to know everyone. We’ll also hand out the t-shirts and make sure they fit you. It would great if you could wear your t-shirt on Saturday so we can take some team photos at different spots on the trip.
Parking: You can park your car safely at the Alpine Sports Lodge until we return on Sunday afternoon.
Saturday Ride
Breakfast from: 7.30am
Choose from cereal and/or eggs & bacon on toast.
Drinks: Coffee, tea, milk, orange juice, water or hot chocolate
Ride Snacks will be provided by Mile Munchin, these include muesli bars and lolly snakes and bottled water you can add to your cambelbak.
Ride Starts: 8.30am
Approx Distance: 185 to 200kms
Lunch Approx. 12:00 – 1:00pm at a location in the High Country. We will meeting the support vehicle for lunch, you will be able to make your own salad sandwiches from a selection of ingredients. At this point you can refill your cambelbak, get more snacks and top up your fuel tanks.
Dargo Arrival Time: 4.30 – 6.00pm
Saturday Night
Location: Dargo
Accommodation: Grandma’s House.
Grandma’s house is conveniently located across the road from the Dargo Pub right in the centre of town.
Dinner: 7.00pm We’ll be eating at Grandma’s House with commercial catering provided, Lasagna and Salad with a selection of desserts will see your appetite tamed. Drinks will be supplied by Mile Munchin Tours.
Sunday Ride
Breakfast from: 7.00am at Grandma’s House, choose from eggs and bacon sandwiches and cereal.
Drinks: Coffee, tea, milk, orange juice, water or hot chocolate
Ride Starts: 8.00am
Approx Distance: 170 to 190kms
Before we leave, motorbikes will need to be filled up at the Dargo General Store at your expense. We will be taking fuel with us to top up bikes at Lunch that need it to finish the Sunday ride.
Ride Snacks will be provided, these include muesli bars and lolly snakes and bottle water you can add to your cambelbak.
Sunday Lunch: 12:30 – 1:30pm at a location in the High Country. We will meeting the support vehicle for lunch, you will be able to make your own salad sandwiches from a selection of ingredients. At this point you can refill your cambelbak get more snacks and top up your fuel tanks.
Bright Arrival Time: 3.00 – 4.00pm at Alpine Sports Lodge, we’ll celebrate the trip with a few more beverages and snacks before we depart.
What to take on the bike
Make sure you take tools specific to your motorbike. For both days the lunch stop will be about 110-120km into the trip, please make sure your motorbike has enough fuel to make the lunch stop. Please carry more fuel with you, if you think your tank won’t carry enough to make it.
Spare tubes front and rear (a 21 inch or 19 inch tube can usually fit both rim sizes).
It is always good advice to put heavy duty tubes in for this type of riding, the high country has many rocky tracks and we will be riding those tracks.
Water to drink on the ride, it could get very dusty and water on the go will help you replenish a dry mouth and throat.
Clothes, it goes without saying but please make sure you wear protective gear including boots, pants, jacket, gloves and helmet.
General Tips
It is a great idea to take an extra set of gloves, if the first pair get wet you can swap. Cold wet hands can ruin your ride.
It could rain, in fact there is always a very good chance of rain in the High Country. If your riding gear is not water proof, we recommend you take a rain jacket to go over the top to keep you dry.
Don’t forget to have a great time, this not a race, it is a tour. We take in the sites and enjoy the tracks along the way.
Take plenty of photos and videos.
What to put in the support vehicle
Clothes and shoes for Saturday night, bathroom bag. Please note: all bedding, doonas, pillows and towels are supplied at the accommodation. Please don’t bring a large bike bag, keep your clothes to a minimum.
While there might seem to be plenty of room in the Mile Munchin’ Adventures support trailer, if we need to carry one or two broken-down bikes it soon gets very tight.
Bike & Tips Maintenance
Check tyres, if they are old, please replace them.
Check brake fluid, you’ll use your brakes a lot going down the hills, make sure they have been serviced before leaving.
Sprockets and chain, check and make sure they are in good working order.
Air Filter, replace if dirty, the ride could be dusty and you may need a filter change on Saturday night so bring a spare oiled and ready to go.
Make sure your tank is filled with petrol from the start.
Check your wheel bearings for any movement, change if you feel any wiggle in the wheel.
If you are riding a 2 stroke, please bring oil to be either carried with you or put in the support vehicle.
The support vehicle does carry some spare items but these don’t always fit all bikes so make sure you bring spares for your particular bike. Particularly if it is known to have regular issues.
Please download the waiver form below, I would like you to read and sign the form, then either bring it with you to the ride or scan it and email it back to me sales@milemunchin.com.au
If you are unable to print these and bring them with you, I will have copies with me you can fill out at the start of the tour.